Umie Aida does her bit for Palestine

KUALA LUMPUR: Renowned artiste Datin Paduka Umie Aida was found strolling around the Putra World Trade Centre with Istana Budaya director-general Datuk Muhamed Juhari Shaarani and Umie's other family members holding a donation box. They were collecting donations for the Palestinians. "Helping the Palestinians is a responsibility for all Muslims and as an artiste, I will find ways to help them through the industry."

Author(s): By Shahrum Sayuthi; M. Hamzah Jamaluddin; Alang Bendahara; Mazlinda Mahmood; Roy Goh; Adie Suri Zulkefli; Ili Liyana Mokhtar; Satiman Jamin; Syed Umar Ariff; Rahmah Ghazali; Roshidi Abu Samah; Hariz Mohd; Akil Yunus; Lavanya Lingan; Nuradilla Noorazam; Adrian Lai
Copyright: NSTP
Published on: 1 December 2012
Publication: New Straits Times
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