She has only RM20, but proud of party

KUALA LUMPUR: With only two RM10 notes in her purse, 78-year old Azizah Ramly took a cab from Ampang to the Putra World Trade Centre to join more than 2,000 delegates at the Umno general assembly yesterday. She said her children were not interested in politics while her neighbours were opposition members. "I have been an Umno member since the 1960s and was once treasurer for Kampung Pandan Umno branch. This is where I belong, just like the good, old days." Umno Youth exco member Datuk Muhammad Khairun Aseh commended her on her loyalty and handed over a donation.

Author(s): By Shahrum Sayuthi; M. Hamzah Jamaluddin; Alang Bendahara; Mazlinda Mahmood; Roy Goh; Adie Suri Zulkefli; Ili Liyana Mokhtar; Satiman Jamin; Syed Umar Ariff; Rahmah Ghazali; Roshidi Abu Samah; Hariz Mohd; Akil Yunus; Lavanya Lingan; Nuradilla Noorazam; Adrian Lai
Copyright: NSTP
Published on: 1 December 2012
Publication: New Straits Times
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